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Learn about the acceptance criteria of carbon steel wire Carbon

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steel wire should be checked and accepted in batches when it comes out of the factory, with each 3t as a batch, and each batch is composed of carbon steel wires of the same brand, the same shape and size, and the same delivery status. One tensile sample is taken from each plate, 5% but not less than 5 plates are randomly inspected in each batch, and one repeated bending sample is taken from each plate. Check the appearance and size of the carbon steel wire disc by disc.

There shall be no cracks, small thorns, splits, mechanical damage, iron oxide scale and oil stains on the surface of carbon steel wire. Randomly select 10% of the number of coils in each batch of carbon steel wire, and no less than 6 coils. Take a set of test pieces at each end for tensile strength, elongation and bending times experiments. Even if one of the test pieces does not meet the requirements of the inspection results, except for the carbon steel wire in the reel as unqualified, double the number of test pieces should be taken again from the uninspected carbon steel wire reels
in the batch to make a repeat of the unqualified items. If there is still one unqualified test piece in the re-inspection results, the batch of carbon steel wires is unqualified.

Carbon steel wire should be accepted in batches. Each batch shall consist of carbon steel wires of the same steel grade, same diameter, same tensile strength and same delivery condition. Appearance view. The carbon steel wire should be inspected one by one, and there should be no cracks, small thorns, splits, mechanical damage, scale and oil stains on the surface, but floating rust and tempering color are allowed. The diameter of carbon steel wire is selected according to 10% of the number of coils, but not less than 6 coils.

After the appearance inspection of carbon steel wire is qualified, randomly select 10% coils (not less than 6 coils) from each batch, and take a test piece from each end of each coil, one for tensiletest (tensile strength and elongation), and the other Do repeated bending experiments. If a certain experimental result does not meet the requirements of the GB5223-85 standard, the coil of carbon steel wire is a substandard product.
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